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Farm Design


  1. All gestation crates are in one building with shared air space and center alley that splits the barn in half

  2. 46 rows of crates with 54 or 55 crates per row.

    • Every other row has concrete pillar that sits in crate (crate not used by sows)

  3. 2 separate feed lines and bins for each side of gestation barn.

    • Every other row will be on opposite diet treatments

    • Capabilities for 2 – 4 dietary treatments

      1. 2 dietary treatments during 2 different stages of gestation

  4. Barn snake goes down one side and up the other (in the shape of a “U”)



  1. 7 farrowing rooms with 80 crates each (560 crates total)

  2. Capabilities for 4 – 6 dietary treatments

  3. Sows on lactation trials will be hand fed if individual feed intake is to be measured (process explained under data collection processes)


Gilt Development Finisher and Nursery

  1. Capabilities for 2 dietary treatments.

  2. Double-sided feeder divided in middle so that can collect feed intake data on each individual pen

  3. Individual pig weights combined for pen weights



RFID tags

  1. All sows are  tagged with individual RFID tag identification



  1. Sow/gilt scale

  • Accurate to 0.5 lb.

  • Individual weights

  1. Litter and feed scale

  • Scale will be accurate to 0.01 lb.

  • Will be used to weigh litters (birth and wean weights) and feed that goes to lactating sows to measure feed intake

  1. Individual piglet scale

    • Scale will be accurate to 0.01 lb.

    • Will be used to weigh individual piglets (birth and wean weights)

Gestation Feed boxes

  1. AP crank adjusted feed drop boxes

  2. Hold up to approximately 8 lbs. of feed

  3. Additional feed can be fed by hand if needed

Lactation Feeder

  1. Shelf feed bowl holds approximately 20 lbs. of feed at a time


Gilt Finisher and Nursery

  1. Double sided feeder with divider in middle so can collect individual pen feed intake

  2. Finisher Feeder:

    • 4 hole feeder

    • Each feed space is 14 in. (56 in. total)

  3. Nursery Feeder:

    • 10 hole feeder

    • Each space is 6 in. (60 in. total)

  4. 50 gilts per pen in each phase


Data collection Processes

Lactation Feeding (for sows on lactation trials only)

  1. Feed will be weighed into shelf feeder and 6 gallon buckets. Each bucket will be labeled for a specific crate and sow for the trial.

    • Feed will be weighed out of feed cart scale into feeder and bucket

    • Buckets will be labeled with Sow ID, crate ID, and diet

  2. Once feed in feeder has been consumed feed will be added from pre-weighed buckets into lactation feeder.

    • Feeders will be checked daily to ensure that feed wastage is minimal and that excess feed is not in bowl of feeder.

    • Remaining feed in feeders will be weighed back at the end of lactation feed trials or at specified dates throughout trial.

    • If sow is not eating and feed needs to be cleaned out of feeder this will also be weighed.


Gestation Feeding

  1. Drop boxes will be tested for fill amount accuracy before each trial

  2. Sows will be given specified amount each day and feed disappearance measured


Piglet Weights

  1. Piglets will be weighed within 24 hours of birth

  2. Date, pig ID, sow ID, and weight will be recorded

  3. Weaning weights will be recorded the day prior to or day of weaning.


Litter Weights

  1. Litter birth and wean weights will be recorded for all lactation trials

  2. Litters will be weighed after cross fostering and final litter established

    • Depending on needs original litters can be weighed as well

  3. Date, Sow ID, number weighed, and litter weight will be recorded.

  4. Birth weights will occur within 24 hours of birth

  5. Weaning weights will be recorded the day prior to or day of weaning.


Sow Weights

  1. Sows will be weighed in and out farrowing when required for trials.

  2. Date, Sow ID, and weight will be recorded using RFID technology

  3. Post-farrow equation that has been developed on site will be used to determine post-farrow weight as needed



  1. 150 sows/rep


Capacity by Phase

  1. Maternity Pens: 2,506

  2. Farrowing Crates: 560

  3. Nursery Spaces: 300

  4. Gilt Finishing Spaces: 750


Barn/Production Specifics

  1. Total sow spaces: 3,200

  2. Total gestation spaces: 2,725

  3. Total farrowing spaces: 560

  4. Targeted breeds per week: 185

  5. Targeted gilt breeds/month: 150

  6. Targeted farrows per week: 155 – 160

  7. Nursery spaces: 300

  8. Finisher spaces: approximately 750

The Barn

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